Bluesman Louisiana Red, otro grande que nos deja.

Louisiana Red, otro magnífico Bluesman que se nos va
Louisiana Red, otro magnífico Bluesman que se nos va
Louisiana Red, otro magnífico Bluesman que se nos va
Louisiana Red, otro magnífico Bluesman que se nos va

Louisiana Red, otro genio del Blues que nos dejaba ayer 25 de febrero, a los 79 años de edad en Alemania donde tenía su residencia habitual desde 1981.

Maravilloso con la guitarra y la armónica, siempre nos quedarán sus más de 50 álbums, la delciosa «Sweet Blood Call» y sus canciones de pura sangre en el Blues de raíces, alumno aventajado de Muddy Waters, Elmore James, Robert Nighthawk, Lightnin’ Hopkins y John Lee Hooker.

Louisiana Red y su propia historia.

Bluesman Louisiana Red died yesterday at the age of 79 in Germany, his talents as a singer, songwriter and guitar player. And he spent a great deal of his life living in Germany, where he probably got a lot more respect as an American artist than he did in his own country. into his own heartfelt musical conversation, delivered with such moving passion and honesty that it would leave his audiences indelibly touched. He was fine singer with a distinctive voice, and an amazing guitarist who could play all of the traditional blues styles and excelled as one of the world’s greatest slide guitarists.


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