Adiós a Tim Bogert

Adiós a Tim Bogert
Adiós a Tim Bogert

Tim Bogert, uno de los bajistas con más groove de la historia del rock, nos ha dejado a los 76 años. Pieza imprescindible de bandas fundacionales como Vanilla Fudge, Cactus o Beck, Bogert & Appice, siempre marcó la diferencia en todos los proyectos en que se implicó.

Su amigo Carmine Appice ha sido el encargado de dar la triste noticia a través de un emocionante texto :

«My true friend Tim Bogert died today. He was like a brother to me. He was my friend for over 50 years.
«Tim was a one of a kind bass player. He inspired many, many bass players worldwide. He was as masterful at shredding as he was holding down a groove, and Tim introduced a new level of virtuosity into rock bass playing. No one played like Tim. He created bass solos that drove audiences to a frenzy every time he played one. And he played a different solo every night. He was the last of the legendary 60s bass players.

«Tim was a very intelligent person. So intelligent that we would call him “Spock”. You could ask him anything and he would know something about it.
«I loved Tim like a brother. He will be missed very much in my life. I will miss calling him, cracking jokes together, talking music and remembering the great times we had together, and how we created kick-ass music together.

«Perhaps the only good thing about knowing someone close to you is suffering a serious illness, is you have an opportunity to tell them that you love them, and why you love them. I did that, a lot. I was touched to hear it said back to me. Nothing was left unsaid between us and I’m grateful for that. I highly recommend it.
«Rest in peace, my partner. I love you. See you on the other side.»

Fare thee well Tim…

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