Tal día: Iggy Pop «Naughty Little Doggie» / The Throbs ‎»The Language Of Thieves And Vagabonds»

Iggy Pop Naughty Little Doggie The Throbs ‎The Language Of Thieves And Vagabonds disco
Iggy Pop Naughty Little Doggie The Throbs ‎The Language Of Thieves And Vagabonds disco

Tal día como hoy de 1996 Iggy Pop publicaba su undécimo álbum de estudio, «Naughty Little Doggie». La década de los 90 fue una de las mejores para Iggy, comenzaba con el mítico «Brick by Brick» llegando a lo más alto de las listas, continuo con «American Caesar» con un sonido más cañero que se echaba de menos y después vino este «Naughty Little Doggie» donde rockea de lo lindo! Entre todos esos discos, colaboro en diferentes proyectos musicales y bandas sonoras (Pesadilla Final:La muerte de Freddy, El sueño de Arizona, Trainspotting).

On this day in 1996, Iggy Pop released his eleventh studio album, Naughty Little Doggie. The 90’s were some of the best years for Iggy, starting off with the iconic Brick by Brick that soared to the top of the charts, and later on with American Caesar, that took us back to his powerhouse sound, and then came Naughty Little Doggie, when he really gets rocking! While he was working on all these albums, he was also collaborating on different musical projects and soundtracks including “Freddy’s Dead: The Final Nightmare”, “Arizona Dream” and “Trainspotting”.

Sin duda una gran década para Iggy y este disco ¡es un buen ejemplo de ello!

It was, without a doubt, a great decade for Iggy, and this album is proof.

Tal día como hoy de 1991 los Throbs publicaban su primer álbum de estudio «The Language Of Thieves And Vagabonds» (en 2015 se publicó «second» con canciones recuperadas de aquellos autodestructivos años)

On this day in 1991, TheThrobs released their first studio album The Language Of Thieves And Vagabonds. In 2015, Second was released, containing some songs that had been salvaged from those years of self-destruction.

The Throbs fueron una banda de hard rock de NYC formada en 1988 y que solamente grabaron este discazo de la mano de Bob Ezrin para Geffen Records.
La banda estaba formada por el bajista Danny Nordahl quien después de The Throbs tocó con los NY Loose, Faster Pussycat, LA Guns, Motochrist …, el resto de miembros también han tocado en diferentes bandas siempre relacionadas bien con los LA Guns o con los Faster Pussycat. Ginger antes de formar a los Wildhearts también anduvo tocando en la banda, aunque en este disco no estaba ya.

The Throbs were a hard rock band from NYC that started out in 1988 and their one-hit wonder was this incredible album led by Bob Ezrin for Geffen Records.

Bassist Danny Nordahl was responsible for putting this band together before going on to play with the NY Loose, Faster Pussycat, LA Guns, Motochrist, and more. The rest of the members have also played in different bands, almost always related to either the LA Guns or Faster Pussycat. Ginger also played in the band before starting up The Wildhearts, although he doesn’t appear on this album.

La banda fue abandonada por su sello seis meses después del lanzamiento del álbum y decidieron dejarlo. Little Richard colaboró metiendo piano en el tema «Ecstasy».

The band was dropped by their label six months after the album’s release so they decided to call it quits. Little Richard collaborated by adding the piano parts to the song “Ecstasy”.

Foto por Koldo Orue.

Photo and original text by Koldo Orue.

Translation by Jessica Jacobsen.

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