Ottoman Turks debutan con el disco «Ottoman Turks II»

Ottman Turks debutan con el disco Ottman Turks II
Ottman Turks debutan con el disco Ottman Turks II

«Ottoman Turks II» se llama el disco debut de esta sensacional banda tejana llamada Ottoman Turks que se han sacado de la manga este disco de 11 temas salpicado de rock’n’roll, rockabilly, red dirt, honky tonk y country, apoyado en sórdido garage, sludge metal, punk y heavy blues, disco producido por John Pedigo (Old 97’s).

Ottoman Turks II is the name of the debut album that the sensational Texans, Ottoman Turks, have pulled out of their hats. This 11-track album, with hints of rock’n’roll, rockabilly, red dirt, honky tonk and country, underpinned by murky garage, sludge metal, punk and heavy blues, was produced by John Pedigo (Old 97’s).

Lo que es consistente en Ottoman Turks es la personalidad de este disco, que es sucio, cachondo, drogado y brutalmente honesto. Hay algo que decir al respecto. Al menos Ottoman Turks no están ocultando su verdadero yo. La mayoría de la gente esconde estos rasgos. Esta banda hace alarde de ellos. Quizás esta música sea tu oportunidad para abrazarlos.

The newly-released album by the Ottoman Turks is consistent in its personality. It’s dirty, horny, drugged and brutally honest. That’s saying a lot, actually. At least the band isn’t hiding who they really are, as most probably would. Maybe this music is your chance to welcome and embrace these traits that the Ottoman Turks so boldly flaunt.

Nathan Mongol Wells (voz, guitarra rítmica), Billy Law (bajo, voz) y Paul Hinojo (batería) se encontraron sin una guitarra principal, y le pidieron al amigo de la infancia de Billy, el fenomenal Joshua Ray Walker completa este fantástico cuarteto llamado Ottoman Turks.

When Nathan Mongol Wells (vocals, rhythm guitar), Billy Law (bass, vocals) and Paul Hinojo (drums) found themselves with no lead guitar, they asked Billy’s childhood friend, the incredible Joshua Ray Walker to complete the fantastic quartet called the Ottoman Turks.

La sangre de Ottoman Turks  suena como si ardiera con copiosas cantidades de cocaína y whisky. Si bien sus audaces proclamas reflejan la ocurrencia simultánea de delirios de grandeza inducidos por las drogas y un humor ingenioso que se burla de sí mismo, el hecho es que Ottoman Turks tocan canciones de bar de espesa nube como Purple Haze, como si lo hiciesen Hank Williams, Natural Child, Black Lips, Tom Waits, Howlies, o Primus. De los mejores discos del año este «Ottoman Turks II«.

The Ottoman Turks’ blood sounds like it’s burning with ungodly amounts of cocaine and whiskey. While their audacious messages reflect on an afterthought of drug-induced delusions of grandeur and self-mocking yet witty humor, the fact of the matter is that the Ottoman Turks play songs like “Purple Haze”, that you’d expect to hear in a smoky bar like from the likes of Hank Williams,Natural Child, Black Lips, Tom Waits, Howlies, or Primus. Ottoman Turks II is one of the best albums of the year.

Translation by Jessica Jacobsen.

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