Scott Kempner de The Dictators y The Del-Lords tiene demencia

Scott Kempner guitarrista de The Dictators, The Del-Lords, The Brandos y Little Kings ha anunciado que tiene demencia en su primera fase. Scott Kempner se encontraba actualmente grabando nuevas canciones para The Del-Lords y nuevo disco con The Dictators sin Richard Manitoba. Es decir Ross the Boss y Scott Kempner a las guitarras, Andy Shernoff recuperando su primigenio puesto de vocalista y bajo y Albert Bouchard a la batería. El 12 de abril estrenan The Dictators nueva canción.

Guitarist Scott Kempner, from The Dictators, The Del-Lords, The Brandos and Little Kings, has announced that he is suffering from early stage dementia. Most recently, Scott Kempner had been recording new songs with The Del-Lords and a new album with The Dictators (without Richard Manitoba) that included a line-up of Ross the Boss and Scott Kempner on guitars, Andy Shernoff taking back his original place on vocals and bass, and Albert Bouchard on drums. On April 12th, The Dictators’ latest song is set to be released.

El anuncio de la enfermedad lo dieron a conocer The Dictators y The Del-Lords en sus redes sociales. Los inicios de Kempner con The Dictators datan desde sus inicios en 1972 con Andy Shernoff, que asistía a la Universidad Estatal de Nueva York, Ross «The Boss» Friedman, que tocaba en la banda local Total Crudd y Scott «Top Ten» Kempner en Nueva York. Por sus filas han pasado músicos que luego formarían parte de grupos tan emblemáticos como Twisted Sister, Manowar o The Fleshtones. Su época de máxima creatividad fueron los primeros años entre el inicio de la banda y el año 1978, después hubo parones, salidas de músicos y desavenencias varias entre miembros del grupo.

The announcement of his illness was made by The Dictators and The Del-Lords  on their social networks. Scott “Top Ten” Kempner started out with The Dictators back in 1972 when Andy Shernoff was studying at the State University of New York, and Ross «The Boss» Friedman was playing in a New York band called Total Crudd. Many musicians have filed through their ranks, later going on to be part of such emblematic groups as Twisted Sister, Manowar or The Fleshtones. Those first years when the band was just starting out until 1978, were probably their most creative times. The lulls in activity would come later on, when disagreements between band members would lead to changes in their lineup.


The Dictators con el disco «Bloodbrothers» de 1978, desilusionados y desanimados, por la poca repercusión del disco y la industria, la banda se dispersó, pero nunca se separó. A mediados de la década de los 80, el guitarrista Scott Kempner estaba buscando un vehículo para escribir canciones, que no se parecía en nada a lo que estaba sucediendo a su alrededor en ese momento. Encontró aliados en su lucha por revivir el rock’n’roll, y encontró a los co-conspiradores Eric Ambel de Joan Jett And The Blackhearts, el batería Frank Funero (ahora con Cracker) y el bajista Manny Caiati creando los maravillosos The Del-Lords.

When the The Dictators recorded Bloodbrothers in 1978, they were down and out, disappointed by the lack of repercussion their album had made on the public and the industry. The band went their separate ways, but without fully splitting up. By the mid-1980s, guitarist Scott Kempner was looking for some kind of way to channel his songwriting, which was nothing close to what was going on around him at the time. He found allies in his fight to resuscitate rock’n’roll in co-conspirators Eric Ambel (of Joan Jett And The Blackhearts), drummer Frank Funero (now with Cracker) and bass player Manny Caiati, forging that fantastic group we now know as the Del-Lords.

Por aquel entonces en un mundo musical impulsado por el techno, por sintetizadores y música programada, los Del-Lords solo con cuatro cantantes fuertes, dos guitarras desgarradoras, un bajo y batería, era todo lo que necesitaban. Y desde el principio, todo encajó en su lugar, y más comenzando a escuchar aquel bombazo y nueva versión del «Folsom Prison Blues» de Johnny Cash.

Back then, in a music world driven by techno, synthesizers and electronic music, the Del-Lords, with just a handful of strong singers, two piercing guitars, a bass and drums, had all they needed. Everything fell into place from the very first moment; even more so when they started listening to that bombshell new version of Johnny Cash’s Folsom Prison Blues.


Juntos, se abrieron paso a través de cinco álbumes de rock’n’roll maravillosos. Lugo Scott Kempner sería miembro de The Brandos y lanzaría un extraordinario álbum en solitario aclamado por la crítica en 1992 llamado «Tenement Angels».

Together, they’d press on, recording five albums of incredible rock’n’roll. Scott Kempner would go on to play with The Brandos and release an extraordinary critically-acclaimed solo album in 1992 called Tenement Angels.

Por aquel entonces Dion DiMucci se unió a Kempner y Frank Funaro de los Del-Lords y Mike Mesaros de los Smithereens para formar Little Kings.

Around that same time, Dion DiMucci got together with Kempner and Frank Funaro (still with the Del-Lords at the time), and when they teamed up with Mike Mesaros from the Smithereens, the Little Kings were born.

Scott Kempner lanzó otros dos discos en solitario hasta la fecha «Saving Grace» en 2008 y «Lost Dreams» en 2017.

Scott Kempner has released two other solo albums to date: Saving Grace in 2008 and Lost Dreams in 2017.

Translation by Jessica Jacobsen.

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