The Reverend Peyton’s Big Damn Band publica nuevo disco, «Dance Songs for Hard Times»

The Reverend Peyton's Big Damn Band Dance Songs for Hard Times nuevo disco
The Reverend Peyton's Big Damn Band Dance Songs for Hard Times nuevo disco

El reverendo Peyton y su banda publican nuevo disco, 11 canciones de baile para tiempos difíciles. The Reverend Peyton’s Big Damn Band publica con este disco, «Dance Songs for Hard Times», producido, diseñado y mezclado por el cuatro veces ganador del Grammy Vance Powell en Sputnik Sound en Nashville, donde se grababa a la vieja usanza en equipos analógicos nos han regalado un maravilloso y bailable disco de country blues repleto de recovecos para el rockabilly.

Reverend Peyton and his band have released a new album: 11 Dance Songs for Hard TimesThe Reverend Peyton’s Big Damn Band ‘s newest release was produced, designed and mixed by four-time Grammy winner Vance Powell at Sputnik Sound studios in Nashville, where they did some old school recording on analog equipment. The end result is an incredibly danceworthy country blues album full of plenty of legroom for some good ol’ rockabilly.

Décimo y demoledor álbum de The Reverend Peyton’s Big Damn Band en el que disparan fusco amartillado 11 canciones en todas las direcciones manteniendo fidelidad a su sonido, ese viejo y genuino country blues en el que sus ascetas Charlie PattonBlind Willie Johnson, Bukka White o Furry Lewis.

This knockout of an album is the tenth studio album by The Reverend Peyton’s Big Damn Band. It is cocked and loaded, as they open fire with 11 songs that wear the same sonic badge as always: that old, honest-to-goodness country blues with the unflinching crew made up of Charlie PattonBlind Willie Johnson, Bukka White and Furry Lewis.

El guitarrista y cantante Reverend Peyton nos transporta junto a su banda Reverend Peyton’s Big Damn Band a ese porche y casa soñado de una casa en forma de disco con  canciones de baile para tiempos difíciles junto a su esposa Breezy Peyton, al washboard y Maxwell Senteney, a la batería.

Singer and guitarist Reverend Peyton takes us on a ride with the Reverend Peyton’s Big Damn Band as the music transports us to the porch of a dreamy home sweet home with their dance songs for hard times, accompanied by his wife, Breezy Peyton on the washboard, and Maxwell Senteney on drums.

La decadencia, los cómplices del sistema, las costumbres, la decadencia son temas que se tocan en el disco con humor como reclaman estos tiempos, consolado en el blues rural, transformado de forma beligerante hacia el folk, funk y rock and roll, tocado siempre con accesorios e instrumentos tradicionales. Discazo.

Tongue-in-cheek clichés about self-indulgence, the ‘man’, and habits that are hard to break are found throughout the lyrics, toyed with just as today’s circumstances call for. They swathe us tightly in country blues, provokingly close to folk, funk and rock and roll, and as always, using traditional accessories and instruments. One helluva record.

Translation by Jessica Jacobsen.

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