Bruce Springsteen & E Street Band comienzan su gira mundial. Todos los setlist

Bruce Springsteen & E Street Band comienzan su gira mundial

Arrancó anoche 1 de febrero en Tampa la gira mundial de Buce Springsteen & E Street Band con el primer concierto de la gira norteamericana que duró 2 horas y 45 minutos, 28 canciones.

El último concierto de Springsteen con E Street Band tuvo lugar el 25 de febrero de 2017 en Auckland, Nueva Zelanda, aunque ha participado en otros proyectos desde entonces: lanzó Springsteen en Broadway en el otoño de 2017, copresentó un podcast con el expresidente Barack Obama y lanzó tres álbumes, Western Stars (2019), Letter to You (2020) y Only the Strong Survive (2022).

El 28 de abril en Barcelona comienza su periplo por Europa. Luego regresará a los Estados Unidos para una segunda etapa en América del Norte que comienza en agosto.

1. Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band, 1/2/23, Amalie Arena, Tampa:

1. «No Surrender»
2. «Ghosts»
3. «Prove It All Night»
4. «Letter to You»
5. «The Promised Land»
6. «Out in the Street»
7. «Candy’s Room»
8. «Kitty’s Back»
9. «Brilliant Disguise»
10. «Nightshift» (Commodores)
11. «Don’t Play That Song (You Lied)» (Ben E. King)
12. «The E Street Shuffle»
13. «Johnny 99»
14. «Last Man Standing»
15. «House of a Thousand Guitars»
16. «Backstreets»
17. «Because the Night» (Patti Smith)
18. «She’s the One»
19. «Wrecking Ball»
20. «The Rising»
21. «Badlands»
22. «Burnin’ Train»
23. «Born to Run»
24. «Rosalita (Come Out Tonight)»
25. «Glory Days»
26. «Dancing in the Dark»
27. «Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out»
28. «I’ll See You in My Dreams»

2. Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band, 3/2/23, State Farm Arena, Atlanta.

Segundo concierto anoche de Bruce Springsteen & E Street Band de su gira por Norteamérica en el State Farm Arena. 2 horas 45 minutos de duración. 28 canciones. 

Solo dos cambios para la segunda noche, con «Thunder Road» cerrando el set principal y «Darlington County» haciendo su debut en gira. «Brilliant Disguise» y «Burnin’ Train», interpretadas en Tampa, quedan fuera del set list.

1. No Surrender (Dedicado al pueblo de Ucrania)
2. Ghosts
3. Prove It All Night
4. Letter To You
5. The Promised Land (YouTube)
6. Out In The Street
7. Candy’s Room
8. Kitty’s Back
9. Nightshift
10. Don’t Play That Song
11. The E Street Shuffle
12. Johnny 99
13. Darlington County
14. Last Man Standing (Solo)
15. House Of A Thousand Guitars
16. Backstreets
17. Because The Night
18. She’s The One
19. Wrecking Ball
20. The Rising
21. Badlands (YouTube)
22. Thunder Road
23. Born To Run
24. Rosalita (Come Out Tonight)
25. Glory Days
26. Dancing In The Dark
27. Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out
28. I’ll See You In My Dreams (Solo)

3. Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band, 5/2/23, Amway Center, Orlando.
1 No Surrender
2 Ghosts
3 Prove It All Night
4 Letter To You
5 The Promised Land
6 Out In The Street
7 Candy’s Room
8 Kitty’s Back
9 Nightshift
10 Don’t Play That Song
11 The E Street Shuffle
12 Johnny 99
13 Last Man Standing
14 Backstreets
15 Because The Night
16 She’s The One
17 Wrecking Ball
18 The Rising
19 Badlands
20 Thunder Road
21 Burnin’ Train
22 Born To Run
23 Rosalita (Come Out Tonight)
24 Glory Days
25 Dancing In The Dark
26 Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out
27 I’ll See You In My Dreams

4. Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band, 7/2/23, Hollywood, Florida.

Cuarto concierto anoche de Bruce Springsteen & E Street band en su gira norteamericana en Hollywood, Florida con dos canciones estrenadas en esta gira: Ramrod y Mansión of the Hill.

1.No Surrender
3.Prove It All Night
4.Letter To You
5.The Promised Land
6.Out In The Street
7.Candy’s Room
8.Kitty’s Back
10.Don’t Play That Song
11.E Street Shuffle
12.Mansion on the hill (tour debut)
13.Johnny 99
14 Last Man Standing
16 Because The Night
17.She’s The One
18.Wrecking Ball
19.The Rising
21.Thunder Road
22.Ramrod (Tour debut)
23.Born To Run
25.Glory Days
26.Dancing In The Dark
27.Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out
28.I’ll See You In My Dreams

5. Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band, 10/2/23, American Airlines, Dallas

Quinto concierto estadounidense de Bruce Springsteen & E Street Band anoche en Dallas sin Steve Van Zandt y la violinista y corista Soozie Tyrell debido al COVID. También se ausentó Patti Scialfa. Fueron tres horas de concierto, hasta el momento el más largo de esta gira.

1.No Surrender
3.Prove It All Night
4.Letter to You
5.The Promised Land
6.Out in the Street
7.Candy’s Room
8.Kitty’s Back
9.Nightshift (Commodores cover)
10.Don’t Play That Song (You Lied)
(Ben E. King cover)
11.The E Street Shuffle
12.Johnny 99
13.Last Man Standing (Solo Acoustic)
15.Because the Night
16.She’s the One
17.Wrecking Ball
18.The Rising
20.Thunder Road
21.Detroit Medley (tour debut)
22.Born to Run
23.Rosalita (Come Out Tonight)
24.Glory Days
25.Dancing in the Dark
26.Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out
27.I’ll See You in My Dreams (solo acoustic)

6. Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band, 14/2/23, American Airlines, Houston

Bruce Springsteen & E Street Band ofrecieron anoche el sexto concierto de la gira americana en Houston con Soozie y Steve Van Zandt de vuelta tras contraer COVID. Nils Lofgren continúa con COVID y Patti Scialfa se ausentó del mismo. Concierto de 2 horas y 54 minutos de duración.

2 No Surrender
3 Ghosts
4 Prove It All Night
5 Letter To You
6 The Promised Land
7 Out In The Street
8 Candy’s Room
9 Kitty’s Back
11 Nightshift
12 Don’t Play That Song
13 The E Street Shuffle
14 Johnny 99
15 Last Man Standing
16 Backstreets
17 Because The Night
18 She’s The One
19 Wrecking Ball
20 The Rising
21 Badlands
22 Thunder Road
23 Born To Run
24 Rosalita (Come Out Tonight)
25 Glory Days
26 Dancing In The Dark
27 Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out
28 I’ll See You In My Dreams

7. Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band, 16/2/23, Austin

Séptimo concierto Bruce Springsteen en esta gira celebrado anoche en Austin. Las sorpresas de la noche fueron George Strait presentando a Bruce y The E Street Band al comienzo del espectáculo, Jake Clemons salió con Covid y el estreno de la gira fue «Cadillac Ranch».

1 No Surrender
2 Ghosts
3 Prove It All Night
4 Letter To You
5 The Promised Land
6 Out In The Street
7 Candy’s Room
8 Kitty’s Back
9 Nightshift
10 If I Was The Priest
11 The E Street Shuffle
12 Johnny 99
13 Last Man Standing
14 Backstreets
15 Because The Night
16 She’s The One
17 Wrecking Ball
18 The Rising
19 Badlands
20 Thunder Road
22 Born To Run
23 Rosalita (Come Out Tonight)
24 Glory Days
25 Dancing In The Dark
26 Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out
27 I’ll See You In My Dreams

8. Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band, 18/2/23, Kansas City

Octavo concierto de Bruce Springsteen anoche en Kansas City en esta gira norteamericana. Jake Clemons aun con Covid, y el setlist reducido en esta gira a 25 temas en vez de los 27 u 28 temas que se venían sucediendo. Fue el concierto de esta gira hasta el momento, 2 horas y 40 minutos.

1.No Surrender
3.Prove it all night
4.Letter to You
5.Promised land
6.Out in the Street
7.Candy’s room
8.Kitty’s back
10.E Street Shuffle
11.Johnny 99
12.Last man Standing
14.Because The Night
15.She´s the One
16.Wrecking Ball
17.The Rising
19.Thunder Road
20.Born To Run
21.Rosalita (come out tonight)
22.Glory Days
23.Dancing in The dark
24 Tenth avenue freeze-out
25.I’ll see you in my dreams (solo ac.)

9. Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band, 21/2/23, Tulsa.

Noveno concierto este martes de Bruce Springsteen de esta gira norteamericana en Tulsa, donde Jake Clemons ha vuelto. El setlist constaba de 27 canciones y la velada registró 2 horas y 53 minutos, la más larga de la gira hasta el momento. El estreno de la gira fue «Bobby Jean». Es bastante sorprendente ver «If I Was The Priest» y «Kitty’s Back» aparecer en tantas listas de canciones. Próximo concierto este sábado en Portand.

1. No Surrender
2. Ghosts
3. Prove It All Night
4. Letter to You
5. The Promised Land
6. Out in the Street
7. Candy’s Room
8. Kitty’s Back
9. Nightshift
10. If I Was The Priest
11. E Street Shuffle
12. Darlington County
13. Johnny 99
14. Last Man Standing
15. Backstreets.
16. Because the Night
17. She’s The One
18. Wrecking the Ball
19. The Rising
20. Badlands
21. Thunder Road
22. Born to Run
23. Rosalita (Come Out Tonight)
24. Bobby Jean (tour premiere)
25. Dancing in the Dark
26. Tenth Avenue Freeze-out
27. I’ll See You in My Dreams (solo acoustic)

10. Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band, 25/2/23, Portand.

Décimo concierto de la gira de Bruce Springsteen & E Street Band en Portland, Oregón de 2 horas y 40 minutos de duración. Debut en esta gira de «I’m on fire» este pasado sábado.

1. No Surrender
2. Ghosts
3. Prove It All Night
4. Letter To You
5. The Promised Land
6. Out In The Street
7. Candy’s Room
8. Kitty’s Back
10. Burnin’ Train
11. Johnny 99
12. The E Street Shuffle
13. Last Man Standing (Solo)
14. Backstreets
15. Because The Night
16. She’s The One
17. Wrecking Ball
18. The Rising
19. Badlands
20. Thunder Road
21. Born To Run
22. Rosalita (Come Out Tonight)
23. Glory Days
24. Dancing In The Dark
25. Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out
26. I’ll See You In My Dreams (Solo)

11. Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band, 27/2/23,Seattle.

Undécimo concierto  de Bruce Springsteen & E Street Band en esta gira en el Pledge Arena de Seattle. Estreno en la gira de “Trapped” y “TLand of Hope and dreams”. Ausentes Curtis King y Patti Scialfa.

1. No Surrender
2. Ghosts
3. Prove It All Night
4. Letter To You
5. The Promised Land
6. Out In The Street
7. Candy’s Room
8. Kitty’s Back
10. Burnin’ Train
11. Johnny 99
12. The E Street Shuffle
13. Last Man Standing (Solo)
14. Backstreets
15. Because The Night
16. She’s The One
17. Wrecking Ball
18. The Rising
19. Badlands


21. Thunder Road
22. Born To Run
23. Rosalita (Come Out Tonight)
24. Glory Days
25. Dancing In The Dark
26. Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out
27. I’ll See You In My Dreams (Solo)

12. Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band, 2/3/23, Denver.

Duodécimo concierto anoche de Bruce Springsteen de esta gira norteamericana en Denver. 2 horas y 40 minutos de duración. Setlist sin sorpresas. Ahí está el regreso a las filas de Curtis King y con él «Nightshift» de nuevo en el setlist. Patti Scialfa no está presente.

1. No Surrender
2. Ghosts
3. Prove It All Night
4. Letter To You
5. The Promised Land
6. Out In The Street
7. Candy’s Room
8. Kitty’s Back
9. Nightshift
10. Burnin’ Train
11. Johnny 99
12. The E Street Shuffle
13. Last Man Standing (Solo)
14. Backstreets
15. Because The Night
16. She’s The One
17. Wrecking Ball
18. The Rising
19. Badlands
20. Thunder Road
21. Born To Run
22. Rosalita (Come Out Tonight)
23. Glory Days
24. Dancing In The Dark
25. Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out
26. I’ll See You In My Dreams (Solo)

13. Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band, 5/3/23, St Paul Minesota.

«Out In The Street» y «Johnny 99» salen del setlist por primera vez para dar paso a las debutantes «Pay Me My Money Down» y «Working On The Highway». Patti Scialfa no está presente.

1. No Surrender
2. Ghosts
3. Prove It All Night
4. Letter To You
5. The Promised Land
6. Candy’s Room
7. Kitty’s Back
9. Nightshift
10. Burnin’ Train
12. The E Street Shuffle
13. Last Man Standing (Solo)
14. Backstreets
15. Because The Night
16. She’s The One
17. Wrecking Ball
18. The Rising
19. Badlands
20. Thunder Road
21. Born To Run
22. Rosalita (Come Out Tonight)
23. Glory Days
24. Dancing In The Dark
25. Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out
26. I’ll See You In My Dreams (Solo)
14. Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band, 7/3/23, Milwaukee.
«Death To My Hometown» hace su debut en esta gira en un setlist de 27 incluyendo «Pay Me My Money Down» y «Land Of Hope And Dreams». Patti Scialfa no está presente.
1. No Surrender
2. Ghosts
3. Prove It All Night
4. Letter To You
5. The Promised Land
6. Candy’s Room
7. Kitty’s Back
8. Nightshift
9. Pay Me My Money Down
10. Burnin’ Train
12. The E Street Shuffle
13. Last Man Standing (Solo)
14. Backstreets
15. Because The Night
16. She’s The One
17. Wrecking Ball
18. The Rising
19. Badlands (YouTube)
20. Land Of Hope And Dreams (YouTube)
21. Thunder Road
22. Born To Run
23. Rosalita (Come Out Tonight)
24. Glory Days
25. Dancing In The Dark
26. Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out
27. I’ll See You In My Dreams (Solo)
15. Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band, 9/3/23, Columbus. CANCELADO. (para el 21 de septiembre)
16. Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band, 12/3/23, Uncasville. CANCELADO. (para el 16 de septiembre)
17. Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band, 14/3/23, Albany. CANCELADO. (para el 19 de septiembre)
18. Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band, 16/3/23, Filadelfia.
Bruce y la banda regresan al escenario después de tres shows pospuestos. Patti Scialfa no está presente. setlist con 25 canciones sin estrenos de gira. 2 horas y 40 minutos de espectáculo.
1. No Surrender 
2. Ghosts
3. Prove It All Night
4. Letter To You
5. The Promised Land
6. Candy’s Room
7. Kitty’s Back
8. Nightshift
9. The E Street Shuffle 
10. Trapped 
11. Johnny 99
12. Last Man Standing (Solo)
13. Backstreets
14. Because The Night
15. She’s The One
16. Wrecking Ball 
17. The Rising
18. Badlands 
19. Thunder Road 
20. Born To Run
21. Rosalita (Come Out Tonight)
22. Glory Days
23. Dancing In The Dark
24. Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out
25. I’ll See You In My Dreams (Solo)
19. Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band, 18/3/23, Pensilvania
1. No Surrender
2. Ghosts
3. Prove It All Night
4. Letter To You
5. The Promised Land
6. Out In The Street
7. Candy’s Room
8. Kitty’s Back
9. I’m On Fire
10. Nightshift
12. The E Street Shuffle
13. Johnny 99
14. Last Man Standing (Acoustic)
15. Backstreets
16. Because The Night
17. She’s The One
18. Wrecking Ball
19. The Rising
20. Badlands
21. Thunder Road
22. Born To Run
23. Rosalita (Come Out Tonight)
24. Glory Days
25. Dancing In The Dark
26. Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out
27. I’ll See You In My Dreams (Acoustic)
20. Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band, 20/3/23, Boston
1. No Surrender
2. Ghosts
3. Prove It All Night
4. Letter To You
5. The Promised Land
6. Out In The Street
7. Candy’s Room
8. Kitty’s Back
9. NightShift (YouTube)
10. Trapped
11. E Street Shuffle
12. Johnny 99
13. Last Man Standing
14. Backstreets
15. Because The Night
16. She’s The One
17. Wrecking Ball
18. The Rising
19. Badlands
21. Thunder Road
22. Born To Run 
23. Rosalita
24. Glory Days
25. Dancing In The Dark
26. Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out
27. I’ll See You In My Dreams
21. Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band, 23/3/23, Buffalo
1. No Surrender 
2. Ghosts
3. Prove It All Night
4. Letter To You
5. The Promised Land
6. Out In The Street
7. Candy’s Room 
8. Kitty’s Back
9. Nightshift
10. Trapped
11. I’m On Fire
12. The E Street Shuffle
13. Johnny 99
14. Last Man Standing (Solo)
15. Backstreets
16. Because The Night
17. She’s The One 
18. Wrecking Ball
19. The Rising
20. Badlands
21. Thunder Road
22. Born To Run
23. Rosalita (Come Out Tonight)
24. Glory Days 
25. Dancing In The Dark
26. Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out
27. I’ll See You In My Dreams (Solo)
22. Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band, 25/3/23, Greensboro
1. No Surrender
2: Ghosts
3. Prove It All Night
4. Letter To You
5. The Promised Land
6. Out In The Street
7. Candy’s Room
8. Kitty’s Back
9. Nightshift
10. The E Street Shuffle
11. Darlington County
12. Johnny 99
13. Last Man Standing
14. Backstreets
15. Because The Night
16. She’s The One
17. Wrecking Ball
18. The Rising
19. Badlands
20. Thunder Road
21. Born To Run
22. Rosalita (Come Out Tonight)
23. Glory Days
24. Dancing In The Dark
25. Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out
26. I’ll See You In My Dreams
23. Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band, 27/3/23, Washington DC
1. No Surrender
2. Ghosts
3. Prove It All Night
4. Letter To You
5. The Promised Land
6. Out In The Street
7. Candy’s Room
8. Kitty’s Back
9. Nightshift
10. Trapped
11. The E Street Shuffle
12. Johnny 99
13. Last Man Standing (Solo)
14. Backstreets
15. Because The Night
16. She’s The One
17. Wrecking Ball
18. The Rising
19. Badlands
20. Thunder Road
21. Born To Run
22. Rosalita (Come Out Tonight)
23. Glory Days
24. Dancing In The Dark
25. Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out
26. I’ll See You In My Dreams (Solo)
24. Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band, 29/3/23, Detroit
1. No Surrender
2. Ghosts
3. Prove It All Night
4. Letter To You
5. The Promised Land
6. Out In The Street
7. Candy’s Room
8. Kitty’s Back
9. Nightshift
11. The E Street Shuffle
12. Johnny 99
13. Last Man Standing (Solo)
14. Backstreets
15. Because The Night
16. She’s The One
17. Wrecking Ball
18. The Rising
19. Badlands
20. Thunder Road
21. Born To Run
22. Rosalita (Come Out Tonight)
23. Glory Days
24. Dancing In The Dark
25. Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out
26. I’ll See You In My Dreams (Solo)
25. Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band, 1/4/23, Nueva York
1. No Surrender
2. Ghosts
3. Prove It All Night
4. Letter To You
5. The Promised Land
6. Out In The Street
7. Candy’s Room
8. Kitty’s Back
9. Nightshift
10. Trapped
11. The E Street Shuffle
12. Johnny 99
13. Last Man Standing (Solo)
14. Backstreets
15. Because The Night
16. She’s The One
17. Wrecking Ball
18. The Rising
19. Badlands
20. Jungleland
21. Thunder Road
22. Born To Run
23. Rosalita (Come Out Tonight)
24. Glory Days
25. Dancing In The Dark
26. Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out
27. I’ll See You In My Dreams (Solo)
26. Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band, 3/4/23, Brooklyn
1. No Surrender
2. Ghosts
3. Prove It All Night
4. Letter To You
5. The Promised Land
6. Out In The Street
7. Candy’s Room
8. Kitty’s Back In Town (Here She Comes!)
9. Nightshift
11. Johnny 99
12. The E Street Shuffle
13. Last Man Standing (Solo)
14. The Motherfuckin’ Backstreets
15. Because The Night
16. Oh She’s The One
17. Wrecking Ball
18. The Rising
19. Badlands
20. Land Of Hope And Dreams
21. Thunder Road
22. Born To Run
23. Rosalita (Come Out Tonight)
24. Glory Days
25. Dancing In The Dark
26. Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out
27. I’ll See You In My Dreams (Solo)
27. Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band, 5/4/23, Cleveland

1. No Surrender
2. Ghosts
3. Prove it All Night
4. Letter To You
5. Promised Land
6. Out In The Street
7. Candy’s Room
8. Kitty’s Back
9. Nightshift
11. E Street Shuffle
12. Pay Me My Money Down
13. Last Man Standing
14. Backstreets
15. Because The Night
16. She’s The One
17. Wrecking Ball
18. The Rising
19. Badlands
20. Bobby Jean
21. Thunder Road
22. Born To Run
23. Rosalita
24. Glory Days
25. Dancing In The Dark
26. Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out
27. I’ll See You In My Dreams

28. Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band, 7/4/23, Baltimore
1. No Surrender
2. Ghosts
3. Prove It All Night
4. Letter To You
5. The Promised Land
6. Out In The Street
8. Kitty’s Back
9. Nightshift
10. Hungry Heart
11. Pay Me My Money Down
12. The E Street Shuffle
13. Last Man Standing
14. Backstreets
15. Because The Night
16. She’s The One
17. Wrecking Ball
18. The Rising
19. Badlands
20. Thunder Road
21. Born To Run
22. Rosalita (Come Out Tonight)
23. Glory Days
24. Dancing In The Dark
25. Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out
26. I’ll See You In My Dreams
29. Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band, 9/4/23, Belmont Park
1. No Surrender
2. Ghosts
3. Prove It All Night
4. Letter To You
5. The Promised Land
6. Out In The Street
7. Candy’s Room
8. Kitty’s Back
9. Nightshift
11. Pay Me My Money Down
12. The E Street Shuffle
13. Last Man Standing
14. Backstreets
15. Because The Night
16. She’s The One
17. Wrecking Ball
18. The Rising
19. Badlands
20. Bobby Jean
21. Thunder Road
22. Born To Run
23. Rosalita (Come Out Tonight)
24. Glory Days
25. Dancing In The Dark
26. Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out
27. I’ll See You In My Dreams
30. Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band, 11/4/23, Belmont Park
1. No Surrender
2. Ghosts
3. Prove It All Night
4. Letter To You
5. The Promised Land
6. Out in the Street
7. Lucky Town
8. Kitty’s Back
9. Nightshift
10. Mary’s Place
11. Trapped
12. E Street Shuffle
13. Last Man Standing
14. Backstreets
15. Because the Night
16. She’s the One
17. Wrecking Ball
18. The Rising
19. Badlands
20. Thunder Road
22. Born to Run
23. Rosalita
24. Glory Days
25. Dancing in the Dark
26. 10th Avenue Freeze-out
27. I’ll See You in My Dreams
31. Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band, 14/4/23, Newark
2. No Surrender
3. Ghosts
4. Prove It All Night
5. Letter To You
6. The Promised Land
7. Out In The Street
8. Candy’s Room
9. Kitty’s Back
10. Nightshift
11. Mary’s Place
12. The E Street Shuffle
13. Last Man Standing (Solo)
14. Backstreets
15. Because The Night
16. She’s The One
17. Wrecking Ball
18. The Rising
19. Badlands
21. Thunder Road
22. Born To Run
23. Rosalita (Come Out Tonight)
24. Glory Days
25. Dancing In The Dark
26. Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out
27. I’ll See You In My Dreams (Solo)

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